Submit your event

Already have an event listed with us? Click here to start an account and reclaim your event.

One Hour Out is an enthusiastic supporter of Victorian events, markets and festivals. We know how much these types of events can bring to a regional community both economically and socially. Plus they are a hell of a lotta fun!

We are looking for regional events in the categories of music, art, food & beverage, farming, markets etc. The type of events that aren't really for us are sports, motor shows etc.

If it sounds like your event fits the bill, please fill out the details below and we will take a look before putting it live.

After filling out the free event listing, you will see some options to pay for more exposure for your event on our homepage, social media and our email newsletter. These options are fantastic value for promoting your event to a niche audience and is the main way that we support our own business, so please consider taking up an option here 🙏

Already have an account listed with us? Login here to update

Basic Information
- Category -

Limit: 100 words

A full description will only display on events that have taken up the Enhanced Event option, which also includes being featured at the top of the events calendar and on the One Hour Out homepage. As well as up to 16 images. Please contact admin to request this option.

Event Link
The website address you would like viewers to go to

$ $ Enter the same amount in both fields if the event is a single price.

Add tags that describe your event

Use comma or click 'Add' to add a tag. You can add any number of tags.