Words by Della Vreeland
This too shall pass.
It’s a phrase we all know too well. And for many of us, it’s the first time in our lives where we have been in the midst of a global crisis of epic proportions – pandemic proportions, some might say – and have wondered whether we’re going to get through it mentally and physically.
There’s no doubt the COVID-19 crisis has been the harbinger of much calamity, and we’re not only referring to its direct impact on our physical health. Indirectly, we have witnessed businesses the world-over closing up shop, people losing their jobs, livelihoods being destroyed, families hunkering down without any physical contact, and anxiety, depression and feelings of uncertainty on the rise. One would indeed be forgiven for thinking we have entered an apocalyptic universe we never imagined could exist.
As in all times of tribulation, however, there is a silver lining. Similar to what we witnessed during the 2020 bushfires, the COVID-19 crisis has resulted in an outpouring of communal love and some of the surest examples of humanity. Individuals, businesses and organisations alike have rallied together to show their support for those struggling during this trying time – whether through social distancing, social media promotion, targeted acts of kindness, financial support, or an upsurge in online gatherings focused on connection.
So what are some of the specific ways in which we can lend our support during a time when helplessness seems to be at its peak? The team at One Hour Out is doing its best to compile a list of different businesses which are continuing to serve their communities in-line with the ever-changing rules and regulations set out by the government. For instance, many cafes and eateries are still offering takeaway and delivery for those who are in a position to dine “out” – albeit at home. We’re not sure how long they will be able to trade, but until they can, we have the option to support their endeavours; Retail operators who have had to close their shop fronts are also thinking up creative ways to keep afloat using social media and online delivery services; Musicians and artists who have had their gigs cancelled are directing followers to support their online concerts; and accommodation providers are asking future holiday-goers to purchase gift vouchers or book their stays in advance.
In addition to these individual acts of support, we have, as one global community, been almost forced to take this time to pause and reflect – reflect on our interdependence as a human family; on the fact that sustainable living is not only a choice but an imperative; that one’s actions are inextricably linked to another’s; that what affects one affects the whole; that a virus sees no borders.
With this in mind, we must take heart in the knowledge that all hope is not lost. Once we pass through this period of uncertainty, our deepened appreciation for the oneness of humanity is sure to result in a healthier, more beautiful world where acts of kindness and compassion are not token but the norm. It won’t be an easy road, it will be damn hard. We will hurt, we will suffer and we’ll be tested as we’ve never been before. But we will pass through it. Together. We will learn from it, grow from it, and come out the other end stronger, more grateful for the comforts we possess, and much more loving towards all those around us.
We truly are all in this together.