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Exhibition: Immuno-Bordercology| Görkem Acaro?lu

Yarra Valley & Dandenong Ranges

Exhibition: Immuno-Bordercology| Görkem Acaro?lu

Yarra Valley & Dandenong Ranges
March 2, 2023
Every Thu, Fri, Sat and Sun at 10:00am to 4:00pmShow Calendar

This exhibition will feature a body of work by Turkish Australian artist Görkem Acaro?lu that explores the immune system as a boundary between determination of self and other. 

The exhibition features oil on canvas paintings that have been created by reading the grounds of Turkish coffee cups during lockdown, painting the images that emerge with sound design by Kirri Buchler.

EXHIBITION OPENING: Thursday the 9th of March at 6:30pm – 8:30pm. The Resident’s Gallery – Montsalvat all welcome!

A percentage of proceeds of sold works will go to earthquake victims in Turkey through an accredited charity.

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