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Ledger Collection

High Country

Ledger Collection

High Country
March 5, 2022 - March 5, 2023
10:00am to 4:00pmShow Calendar

The Benalla Art Gallery Collection spans three centuries of Australian art, from the early 19th century to the present day. The Collection includes paintings, sculptures, works on paper, photography, decorative arts and furniture, with earlier acquisitions reflecting European trends of the late 19th and early 20th century.

Laurence (Laurie) Ledger MBE, Erma Ledger and their farming enterprise ‘Wooleen’ were major benefactors to the Gallery, donating works that have formed the backbone of the Collection and featured in many exhibitions. This exhibition is drawn entirely from the works donated by the Ledgers, celebrating their incredible legacy. Displayed as a ‘salon hang’, the exhibition features over 200 works, which is approximately half of the Ledgers’ total gift of artworks.

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